Category: Paintings

  • Updates and Recent Commissions

    Updates and Recent Commissions

    It know it has been an odd spring and summer with many changes for everyone and life at my home is no exception. One huge change is that my solo exhibit, Wild Whimsy of the Northwoods, originally scheduled for June 2020 has been rescheduled for June 2021. Since this show is themed around spring and…

  • Companions


    This piece features a combination of plants I have enjoyed since childhood – blue vervain, blackeyed susan, and daisy. As a kid I noticed that they seemed to pop up in the same ditches every year. This thriving collection of companion flowers managed to survive for years and in doing so created a diverse ecosystem.…

  • Lynx On The Moon

    Lynx On The Moon

    The other night the moon was this gorgeous, ginormous, orb hanging right above the earth. I was running errands in town with my honey, Cassidy. As we drove around I was able to see the the beauty from all these different angles and parking lots. As we drove home we drove towards the moon as…

  • What’s the Point?

    What’s the Point?

    Life is neat because we all just get to do our own thing. Sometimes folks like to look in and give their opinions and that’s alright, it is often a sign of affection. As humans in this world we should be open to communication, but we also should feel comfortable enough in our own skin…

  • Young Panda

    Young Panda

    Who doesn’t love a fluffy bear? This little dude is a young panda which is why the fur is slightly  bedraggled and why his visions are so dreamy. I am exploring whimsy in some new ways as of late. The butterflies and hoops in this piece were inspired by Dr. Seuss. I added them in…

  • 0°

    I am currently painting a large barred owl in a summery scene so this paint doodle was created as a study of owl faces. It was good fun and much needed practice. Feathers are like hair but they aren’t actually fur so a little additional practice of the fine white feathers was super helpful. This…

  • Get Off My Case

    Get Off My Case

    Blue jays are a pretty flash of blue of among the green canopies, and a controversial figure for their love of other bird’s eggs, but have you ever paid attention to what they sound like? They are well known for many things, but the way I know them best is by their awful shrieking voice that…

  • Otter Underwater

    Otter Underwater

    I have been sick the last week which isn’t uncommon this time of the year for most folks, but I hardly ever get sick. I usually get about one cold a year and they are often a bit more mild. I felt like a whiner this last week because I wasn’t sure if I was…