Hate is born of ignorance and ignorance is a choice.
In a world where there is so much knowledge it is hard to imagine how ignorance and hate can persist.
Each day I make a conscious effort to be conscious. I open my mind and let the knowledge grow.
This piece is a representation of what it feels like to be lost in your own thoughts while also grounded in reality. The character is in an abstract space his own ties grounding him to reality. The grounding ties are representative of society and how our current one often ignores real issues in favor of dramatized headlines. Where once we payed attention to philosophers we now pay attention to clever memes. Where once we heard honest debate we now hear the loudest folks on either side shouting down opposition. It is hard to find a space to discuss the facets of empathy and humanity in a world that is built on ego and power. This piece is a reflection of the push and pull I feel of our current society vs. the beautiful nature of humans.
The beautiful nature of humans has us always seeking knowledge. I bet if you turn to the person next to you and ask them about their passion you will be intrigued by the glimpse of humanity you will see in their answer. When we create spaces for philosophy and debate we can open each others minds and let the knowledge grow.
This piece is an 11″ x 14″ original acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.