I am currently painting a large barred owl in a summery scene so this paint doodle was created as a study of owl faces. It was good fun and much needed practice. Feathers are like hair but they aren’t actually fur so a little additional practice of the fine white feathers was super helpful. This…
Get Off My Case
Blue jays are a pretty flash of blue of among the green canopies, and a controversial figure for their love of other bird’s eggs, but have you ever paid attention to what they sound like? They are well known for many things, but the way I know them best is by their awful shrieking voice that…
Otter Underwater
I have been sick the last week which isn’t uncommon this time of the year for most folks, but I hardly ever get sick. I usually get about one cold a year and they are often a bit more mild. I felt like a whiner this last week because I wasn’t sure if I was…