What the Bull’s Eye Perceives

9:00 am • This bull moose has found a restful cove in the midst of these showy lady slippers and spring peepers. Surrounded by the delicate beauty of moss and flowers this sweet dude ponders his day. If he were to stand you could see his tall stature, towering over the small frogs and butterflies at about 6 feet tall. Being the largest mammal of the Northwoods this critter can seem (and also be) formidable when he has to, but in general he is a gentle giant who prefers swimming and munching to fighting and conflict. He finds much of his food right here in this shady forest cove which is close enough to the marsh to have some of his favorite leafy greens. When he wants something a little different he will dive into the lake for some water greens which he will harvest from the bottom in the shallower areas. Yes, it is nice to be a moose.

Featured flora and fauna • Showy Lady Slipper, Bedstraw, White Admiral Butterfly, Moose, Nodding Bur Marigold, Spring Peepers